Kunci Digital Yale YDR 4110
Rp 5.205.699
Harga Termasuk PPN. Biaya pengiriman dihitung saat checkout.
Pembelian minimal
1 Buah
Kelipatan pembelian
1 Buah
Dimensi per unit
20 cm x 5.5 cm x 16.3 cm
1.000 Gram / 1 Kg
Sub kategori
Unlock the door with your smartphone
Yale Link is an integrated security solution that controls the opening and closing of your Yale smart door locks through your smartphone application and provides real-time status monitoring of your home.
Personalise your lock settings
User-friendly interface to personalise your lock settings. Register as many fingerprints, user pin codes, & Bluetooth keys as you want. Add a onetime user code for visitors like your parents whenever you are not at home to welcome them.
Receive alert notification
Get notified whenever someone unlocks the door – this is especially useful when only your helper is at home for instance – the app will indicate the various timings the door is unlocked too! You will receive a notification when the lock is jammed or alarm is armed.
![Potensi Harga Terjun Bebas dengan Akun Bisnis!](/images/pdp/info-potensi-harga-turun-akun-bisnis.png)
Rp 5.205.699
Atur Jumlah Pembelian
Estimasi Pengiriman
Jabodetabek: 2-4 hari kerja
Luar Jabodetabek: 2-7 hari kerja